
Cleo Pan @ Mt E day 2


Today, she looks a little different again, but her chubby cheeks are still there. Pearl and I feel that Clié looks more like my family side, while Cleo looks more like her family side. Anyway, she is still as lovely…

Tommorow mommy and the smaller girl will both be coming home! so fun! now 4 of us gonna cramp in one room, how fun! But then again, it can get quite tricky.

Firstly, all 4 must have enough space to sleep in. Pearl needs normal space, I need very little space, Clié needs a huge space as she rolls around alot and Cleo’s cot reserves for her quite a fair bit of space. I’ve yet to count in the other furniture… haha…

12 replies on “Cleo Pan @ Mt E day 2”

the first day i think she looks like pearl but this pic she looks like carissa ! it must be exciting as parents to see how their little ones will look like when they’re older 🙂


Indeed, Cleo look like Carrissa especially the cheek and the eyes… :>
Sorry was not able to go visit pearl at mt.e
Do send our congrats to her..


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