


The smaller girl suckles for 10mins then its a 5min interval where she is very high before she goes for her next 10mins and this happens every 2 hours.

She looks so blur, so drunk by her mommy’s milk.

5 replies on “High”

You guys make me envious! I used to think that all these happens only in romance novels but you guys are living examples that fairy tale can happen to all of us. Thanks for bring new hope to me. 🙂 Congrats on your little girl. She looks adorable! God Bless.

wow!!! she’s so blessed to have those moments of bonding with mummy! just wondering, does a breastfed child needs to be burped in between???

dee: yes. we still have to burped them in between.

CY: thanks for the compliment! we are encouraged & blessed by you as well. if our living lifestyle can bless others then i think its worths while to post it in the blog like that. 😉

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